Soft tissue is defined as all the tissues in the body that are not bone, including the muscle, fat, blood vessels, nerves, tendons, and fibrous tissue. Since this tissue is widespread and somewhat delicate, wounds from soft tissue injuries are fairly common, such as abrasions, lacerations, puncture wounds, bites, avulsions, and amputations. Left untreated or mismanaged, wounds from soft tissue injuries can lead to infection and put your body’s future performance at risk.
Dr. Adam Angeles with the Angeles Wound Care Institute is a board certified plastic surgeon and wound care specialist with over twenty years of treating and managing a variety of chronic and non healing wounds. At the Angeles Wound Care Institute, patients benefit from specialized professional treatment and individualized care to support immediate needs and long-term recovery.
Generally surface level and characterized by a rub or wearing off of the skin, typically caused by a scrape or friction burn. There may be minor bleeding or draining at the time of the injury or over the following days if the area is rubbed or scratched.
Caused by blunt trauma, lacerations are wounds or tears in the skin and underlying soft body tissue. These wounds are often irregular and jagged and can be contaminated with bacteria or debris from the source of the wound.
Puncture wounds can be caused by household items, work tools, and even pets. They are often long and narrow, permeating into the deeper soft tissue layers and at increased risk for infection.
Serious tears in the skin deep enough to expose underlying tissue, tendons, and muscle. Because they can bleed heavily and rapidly, avulsions are considered serious and dangerous wounds, and immediate care is needed.
Amputations are surgical procedures necessitating the removal of a limb in an effort to address an infection, diabetes, trauma, or a deformity. Common limbs that are amputated include fingers, toes, arms, legs, hands, or feet.
Wounds from soft tissue injuries can become non healing wounds if they do not heal within the expected timeframe. Non healing wounds are particularly serious and need professional attention as they can cause widespread health issues. Check for symptoms including thick discharge, redness, pain, or warmth at the wound site.
Medical treatments for non healing soft tissue wounds such as lacerations and punctures may include thorough cleaning of the area with medical grade supplies followed by stitches and sanitization, antibiotics, and/or skin substitutes.
Treatment options for avulsions and amputations become increasingly more complex. It may be necessary to surgically perform a skin graft or attachment of artificial skin to the affected area, debridement or fluid drainage for comprehensive healing and reattachment. Most treatments necessitate careful postoperative care and follow-up appointments.
Dr. Adam Angles is an expert, board certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of wound healing research, training, and medical experience.
We are experts in regenerative and advanced wound therapies for complex wounds including non-healing burns, ulcers, radiation wounds, and more.
Providers throughout the Pacific Northwest refer to us due to our expertise in wound healing at a cellular level with a focus on limb salvage.